CCBC-Net Archives

Spring Professional Development from ALSC!

From: Dan Rude <>
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2011 10:00:37 -0400

Do you have a minute? Or an hour? Or how about a few hours a week?

If so, the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) has you covered for professional development with brand-new webinars and online courses for Spring 2011. Webinars are offered in quick, one-to-two hour sessions packed full of information about resources and programming. Online courses, on the other hand, are instructor-guided classes which give participants interaction with other librarians, academics, and children's literature specialists, all in a convenient online atmosphere that helps spark discussion.


Friday, April 1 _at_ 1 PM CST Di­a 101: Everything you need to know about celebrating El di­a de los ninos/El di­a de los libros

This webinar covers Dнa's history, explores program ideas big and small, and discusses recommended resources.

Instructor: Beatriz Pascual Wallace

Thursday, April 28 _at_ 1 PM CST*

Leveling Easy Readers

This webinar will show how to assist parents and children in selecting titles as well as considering the philosophical and practical pros and cons of leveling easy readers.

Instructor: Katherine (Kate) Todd

Friday, May 13 _at_ 12 PM CST*

Family Programs on a Shoestring _at_ your library

Learn how networking and local business will help your library with programs that not only entertain your families but also provide a chance to educate them on other services available within their community.

Instructor: Angela Young

*Additional dates are available for these webinars.

Online Courses

The Caldecott Medal

6 weeks, May 2 - June 10

Learn about the history of the award, how the award has transformed books over time, and how to look critically at picture book art.

Instructor: KT Hornung

Children with Disabilities in the Library

6 weeks, May 2 - June 10

Explore inclusive programming, assistive technologies, staff attitudes and legal considerations.

Instructor: Katherine (Kate) Todd

Out of this World Youth Programming

6 weeks, May 2 - June 10

Get innovative ideas and suggestions on how to plan, promote, execute and evaluate your programs to work for you and your patrons.

Instructor: Angela Young

Introduction to Graphic Novels for Children

6 weeks, May 2 - June 10

Learn about an emerging trend in youth publishing, how to develop a graphic novel collection, and how to market these materials.

Instructor: Janet Weber

Reading Instruction and Children's Books

5 weeks, May 2 - June 3

Gain an understanding of different methodologies for reading instruction and ways that the grade-level of reading materials are determined.

Instructor: Katherine (Kate) Todd

Dan Rude

Membership/Marketing Specialist

Association for Library Service to Children

Received on Fri 01 Apr 2011 10:00:37 AM CDT