CCBC-Net Archives

Strong Girls

Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 11:41:16 -0400 (EDT)

Many of the Julia Redfern books by Eleanor Cameron have probably gone out of print. She may still dwell on many library shelves, however, and what a delightful, clever character she is. Eleanor Cameron captures the emotional and intellectual development of Julia in a chronological series. Often baffled and sometimes stymied by the complexities of life in California in the early part of the twentieth century, Julia has an unconquerable spirit.

A recent stellar heroine, Eidi, of "The Children of Crow Cove," series is not only a survivor in a harsh environment (Scandinavia) peopled with a couple of scary villains, she single-handedly saves a small, vulnerable boy as well as herself. (I can't wait to read the next book in this series in which the small boy, "Tink" is featured. It comes out in May.)
Received on Thu 17 Mar 2011 11:41:16 AM CDT