CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Girl Stories

From: Nancy Gloe <>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 12:58:29 -0500

Christina made me think of what has often bothered me about "spunky" heroines. So often we (women) buy in to valuing things by male-honoring standards, making those who excell at traditional male skills into role models for women. That is well and good, but limiting. There are only so many Annie Oakleys in real life.

So the challenge may be that our display of books about strong women must also include many books about women who are strong by knowing their strengths and using them to help themselves and others. Even if they weren't a tomboy as a child. Even if those they help are other women or children.

I am glad that many such books have been recommended here.

Nancy Gloe

PS. Are the girls in Luv Ya Bunches (Lauren Myracle) strong female characters?
Received on Tue 15 Mar 2011 12:58:29 PM CDT