CCBC-Net Archives

RE: Strong Girls (re Rinaldi)

From: Nancy Silverrod <>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 10:23:19 -0700

X-EC0D2A8E-5CB7-4969-9C36-46D859D137BE-PartID: 3AF19EC4-0F85-498C-BD10-10BA01D774C3

Thank you Debbie, for raising the issue of coded masculine/feminine behavior :

"there are questions as to why society LETS those characteristics be coded a s masculine. Who wrote the rule, in other words, about what constitutes male /masculine and female/feminine?"

It seems to me that we want to be able to recommend "girl" books that show g irls and women using a variety of kinds of "strength." The commonality amon g strong female role models is that they use their intelligence and their pa ssion to be true to themselves to find ways to accomplish whatever their goa ls may be.

For middle-aged me, some of these role models were found in the historical f iction of Sally Watson (many of which have been reissued by Image Cascade Pu blishing), those old fictionalized biographies found in the school library, and Patience and Sarah by Isabel Miller and Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Bro wn which showed me that it was possible to live a happy lesbian life, along with so many newer titles in all genres with which I am pleased to be able t o gift my nieces.

Nancy Silverrod, Librarian

San Francisco Public Library

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Received on Tue 15 Mar 2011 10:23:19 AM CDT