CCBC-Net Archives

RE: Girl Stories

From: Claudia Pearson <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 10:37:23 -0600

Representations of admirable women in Picture books: The Little Island by Margaret Wise Brown, Peter Rabbit's mother, Monster Mama.

Admirable girls in Picture books: Paperbag Princess

Representations of admirable girls/women in novels: Keeper of the Isis Light, Feed, Sabrielle, several in Dragons of Pern, Allana, mostly in fantasy and Science Fiction as portraying strong women in historical or contemporary risks appearing unbelievable or misrepresenting history, as e.g. Catherine Called Birdy and Charlotte Doyle, but I do like the Midwife's Apprentice and find it very believable.

Claudia Pearson coRA SCBWI SouthernBreeze

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Received on Fri 11 Mar 2011 10:37:23 AM CST