CCBC-Net Archives

Missing Janet Schulman

From: Ruth I. Gordon <>
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 11:52:22 -0800

Janet Schulman, author, editor, publisher, great human being. Janet was one of the women at Macmillan who walked and sued when the publisher's high-handed approach to labor
 relations pulled some very sexist actions. In time, the Schulper and others won a law suit and each editor/writer, etc. went on to other firms or formed new imprints for the greater good of publishing books for young people.

Her book about the "avian citizen of New York City" was one of many Schulman titles. As an editor she shepherded authors and illustrators.

Above all, she cared very much for her profession and more than once objected to the release of books she considered unworthy. She was a straight-shooter with little or no artifice and a defender of people and causes and who marched with Lester (her husband) and thousands of others for and against government actions, wars, the military-industrial complex, and other destructive actions.

Not bad for a girl from Pittsburgh, PA., who will always be missed and always remembered by

Her buddiesse,

Big Grandma
Received on Wed 02 Mar 2011 11:52:22 AM CST