CCBC-Net Archives

RE: habits of teachers and librarians

From: Killeen, Erlene <Erlene.Killeen_at_Stoughton.K12.WI.US>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:09:59 -0600

We need good math and science teachers at the elementary too. I agree that teachers should love to read, but that's not always the case! We have to work with what we have every day!!!

Erlene Bishop Killeen

Stoughton Area Schools 1601 West South Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-877-5181


 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 1:20 PM To: Killeen, Erlene Cc: CCBC Network Subject: RE: habits of teachers and librarians

I'm sure there are teachers who sincerely do not like to read (I have, in f act, met many), but I have to sincerely question the wisdom of someone who does not like reading choosing to become a teacher, especially one who teac hes elementary school. I suppose it might not be such a big deal for a high school teacher who specializes in something like math, chemistry, or some vocational subject. One of the most important attributes of an educator is a commitment to lifelong learning. How can someone who does not like to rea d make such a commitment? How can someone who has no enthusiasm for reading instill a love for it in young people? I don't agree that teachers should be "as varied as the entire population." I wouldn't want a child to have a teacher who did not love to read. That attitude seems totally antithetical to the idea of being an educator.

Edward T. Sullivan, Rogue Librarian Author, The Ultimate Weapon: The Race to Develop the Atomic Bomb (Holiday H ouse, 2007) Visit my web site, Visit my blog, Rogue Librarian: All About Books and Reading http://sullywri Facebook Page: ;

-------- Original Message --------

 habits of teachers and librarians From: "Killeen, Erlene" ; Date: Thu, February 10, 2011 1:57 pm

In response to Cynthia Grady's comment: "I would love to know the correlation between non-reading children (who are capable) and the reading habits of their teachers and librarians."

I have worked with teachers who have sincerely told me they don't like to r ead. Those same teachers have set their classes on fire for The Teacher fro m the Black Lagoon series, or Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, or Charlotte's Web becaus e they did read aloud to their classes.

I do agree that all teachers need to encourage reading, but I also think te achers are as varied as the entire population. As a librarian, I still try to find the right book for the right person (student or teacher) at the rig ht time. One of my biggest successes was a music teacher who was well educated but d id not like to read for pleasure. I kept at her and one day she said to me, "I have decided that as an educated person I need to read for pleasure so I am trying different books. I just finished the third one I loved! Have yo u read this?" I had a large smile for several days!!! Never, never, never give up --- Churchill.

Erlene Bishop Killeen

Stoughton Area Schools 1601 West South Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-877-5181

From: CCBC Network digest
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 12:08 AM To: ccbc-net digest recipients Subject: ccbc-net digest: February 09, 2011

CCBC-NET Digest for Wednesday, February 09, 2011.

1. RE: Reading, reluctantly and otherwise 2. RE: Reading, reluctantly and otherwise 3. Friends of Freddy to gather in Fresno 4. reluctant readers, etc. 5. Re: reluctant readers, etc. 6. reluctant readers, etc. 7. RE: reluctant readers (somewhat off topic) Good Publisher


Subject: RE: Reading, reluctantly and otherwise From: "Gardow, Pamela"

Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 08:12:11 -0600 X-Message-Number: 1

I wholeheartedly agree. I love it when teachers talk about great books and recommend books to their students, but I strongly believe students should g et those books (if at all possible) from their school libraries. This is te aching them a skill for life. Students need to become comfortable with find ing their books in the library, because that terrific 6th, or 4th, or whate ver grade teacher who had a nice set of classroom books is not going to be with them for more than a year. Libraries will be available to them for a l ifetime. Those great teachers can also be collaborating with their school l ibrarian to share ideas about, new books, favorite books, award winners, et c. Collaboration makes both programs stronger. How wonderful if those dedic ated teachers would take their students to the library for book talks and b ook check out.

It makes me sad to see the focus on building classroom libraries which are available to one class of students, rather than building a great library co llection (and program) which is available to the entire school.


Pam Gardow, Library Media Specialist Advisor, Teen Literacy Initiative Memorial High School 2225 Keith St. Eau Claire, WI 54701 715-852-6309 ;


 Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 4:46 PM To: 'Sarah Mulhern';

Subject: RE:
 Reading, reluctantly and otherwise

I'm okay with putting books closer to readers, but how can a classroom teac her purchase and maintain a collection of materials at all reading and inte rest levels? Would it be better for our students to have access to a school library media center? We are open to all and serve all. I grew up in the 7 0's and in my small rural school the teacher had a classroom collection of books. Every teacher at Charlotte's Web, Rabbit Hill, and other award winni ng books. I fell in love with books when I had access to great books, and w as told about them (book talks)

Jeff Carpenter

From: Sarah Mulhern
 Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 10:43 PM To:

Subject: Re:
 Reading, reluctantly and otherwise

I've been following this discussion with fascination. I'm a current high sc hool teacher (9th and 12th grade English) and a former 6th grade teacher. A s a 6th grade teacher, I met many reluctant readers. Most were reluctant be cause they didn't know they loved reading. Why not? Because they hadn't bee n exposed to books beyond those required in school or those forced down the ir throats by their parents (with good intentions, but still...). If we want kids to read, they need access to great books. Unfortunately, th at is becoming harder and harder for teachers. Parents don't (or can't) tak e their kids to the library or bookstore. School budgets are being slashed and libraries are being cut out of the curriculum. For many students, class room libraries are the only place they have access to books. But most of th ose are funded solely by the teacher. Districts budget their money for text books, so the burden falls to the teacher. We need to get books into classr oom libraries. If you have books around the ho use, find a teacher to donate them to! (Need help connecting with a teacher? Check out #ARCsFloatOn http :// Connecting teache rs with bloggers/reviewers/authors to get books to kids.)

Across the board, the best way I found to get reluctant readers to pick up a book was to share read alouds in the classroom and to let kids TALK about books. Social reading is real, and it is powerful. Let kids recommend book s to each other, let them booktalk, let them have some of the power. Their peers will listen! And read alouds will draw them to authors and genres the y might not have been familiar with.

Finally, we need to get ARCs into the hands of kids. My 6th, 9th, and 12th graders are drawn to ARCs like flies to honey. Even the most reluctant read er is intrigued when they know they can read a book "first", before the gen eral public. A single ARC can get into the hands of up to 70 students in my classes, with many others ordering their own copy, recommending it online (Facebook and Twitter), and begging me to buy a hardcover copy. If publishe rs would send ARCs to classroom teachers, they would be getting free advert ising for their book AND helping reluctant readers to become lifelong reade rs. ARCs are like magic. :)

Thanks for this great discussion!

Sarah Mulhern Gross _at_thereadingzone

Received on Thu 10 Feb 2011 02:09:59 PM CST