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Re: reluctant readers, etc.
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From: Sarah Mulhern <>
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 10:15:00 -0800 (PST)
Cynthia, I completely agree! I am appalled by the number of teachers who will sit in a department or faculty meeting and proudly declare that they do not like reading. Or will talk about children's literature like it is gum on the bottom of their shoe. Having an opinion is fine, but putting it down is awful. Children and teens need to see reading modeled. They need to know that " readers in the wild" (a term stolen from Donalyn Miller) exist! We all k now that kids have a tendency to rebel against their parents, so seeing oth er adults in their life read can have a huge influence on them. Even more importantly, a well-read teacher/librarian is able to converse wi th their students, make recommendations, and help them find books they enjo y. We need a culture change amongst teachers-in-training. They need t o be told how important reading is. College education departments need t o offer children's lit courses and require that they be taken! Teachers should also be made aware of the vast blog ging world out there online, beca use those bloggers can serve as reviewers and guides. And fostering relatio nships between teachers and school librarians is something that must be don e on the district level. Obviously, we can't all read every book that is pu blished, But what we can do is make sure that we are informed. Sarah Mulhern
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 10:15:00 -0800 (PST)
Cynthia, I completely agree! I am appalled by the number of teachers who will sit in a department or faculty meeting and proudly declare that they do not like reading. Or will talk about children's literature like it is gum on the bottom of their shoe. Having an opinion is fine, but putting it down is awful. Children and teens need to see reading modeled. They need to know that " readers in the wild" (a term stolen from Donalyn Miller) exist! We all k now that kids have a tendency to rebel against their parents, so seeing oth er adults in their life read can have a huge influence on them. Even more importantly, a well-read teacher/librarian is able to converse wi th their students, make recommendations, and help them find books they enjo y. We need a culture change amongst teachers-in-training. They need t o be told how important reading is. College education departments need t o offer children's lit courses and require that they be taken! Teachers should also be made aware of the vast blog ging world out there online, beca use those bloggers can serve as reviewers and guides. And fostering relatio nships between teachers and school librarians is something that must be don e on the district level. Obviously, we can't all read every book that is pu blished, But what we can do is make sure that we are informed. Sarah Mulhern
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