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Friends of Freddy to gather in Fresno
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From: Angelica Carpenter <>
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 09:44:12 -0800 (PST)
The Friends of Freddy will gather in Fresno March 26-27 (a week later than previously announced) to celebrate that pig o’ their hearts, Freddy , the talking animal hero of 25 children’s books written by the lat e Walter R. Brooks and published by Alfred A. Knopf from 1927 to 1958, the year of the author’s death. The program will be hosted by the Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children's Books at California State Universi ty, Fresno.
In addition to the Freddy books, Brooks was the author of more than 200 sho rt stories for adults, 20 of them featuring Ed the Talking Horse, whose adv entures formed the basis of the kitsch classic TV show of the �60s, Mr. Ed.
Founded by Toronto playwright Dave Carley in 1984, this literary fan club h as grown from a stalwart three or four to more than 600 members throughout the U.S., Canada, and England. The original whimsical purpose of the club w as to “spread the names and fame of Walter R. Brooks and Freddy the Pig throughout the known universe.” Thanks to Club efforts, the Fr eddy books are back in print, with new paperback editions coming out this s pring.
The Fresno gathering will celebrate the gift of Michael Cart’s coll ection of Freddy books and related materials as well as both Brooks†™s personal files and Cart’s as well. Michael Cart is Brooksв Ђ™s biographer; his book Talking Animals and Others: The Life and Work of Walter R. Brooks was published in 2009. Michael Cart will be a featured speaker at this event. The Arne Nixon Center is offering an exhibition of m aterials related to Walter R. Brooks and illustrator Kurt Wiese from March 1 through May 31. ANCA, the Arne Nixon Center Advocates, will sponsor a rec eption for Freddy guests on Saturday evening, March 26.
Travel to Fresno is convenient by plane (the Fresno Yosemite airport code i s FAT), Amtrak, Greyhound, or automobile. Fresno is about a four-hour drive from either San Francisco or Los Angeles. The Piccadilly Inn-University is the conference hotel, located just across the street from the Fresno State campus. The hotel phone number is 559 224-4200.
The event is free for members, $25 for non-members, and this fee includes a year's membership in the Friends of Freddy. For a registration form, see w This event is suitable for older children, who must be accompanied by adults.
Best wishes,
Angelica Carpenter
Angelica Carpenter, Curator Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children's Literature Henry Madden Library California State University, Fresno
Received on Wed 09 Feb 2011 09:44:12 AM CST
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 09:44:12 -0800 (PST)
The Friends of Freddy will gather in Fresno March 26-27 (a week later than previously announced) to celebrate that pig o’ their hearts, Freddy , the talking animal hero of 25 children’s books written by the lat e Walter R. Brooks and published by Alfred A. Knopf from 1927 to 1958, the year of the author’s death. The program will be hosted by the Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children's Books at California State Universi ty, Fresno.
In addition to the Freddy books, Brooks was the author of more than 200 sho rt stories for adults, 20 of them featuring Ed the Talking Horse, whose adv entures formed the basis of the kitsch classic TV show of the �60s, Mr. Ed.
Founded by Toronto playwright Dave Carley in 1984, this literary fan club h as grown from a stalwart three or four to more than 600 members throughout the U.S., Canada, and England. The original whimsical purpose of the club w as to “spread the names and fame of Walter R. Brooks and Freddy the Pig throughout the known universe.” Thanks to Club efforts, the Fr eddy books are back in print, with new paperback editions coming out this s pring.
The Fresno gathering will celebrate the gift of Michael Cart’s coll ection of Freddy books and related materials as well as both Brooks†™s personal files and Cart’s as well. Michael Cart is Brooksв Ђ™s biographer; his book Talking Animals and Others: The Life and Work of Walter R. Brooks was published in 2009. Michael Cart will be a featured speaker at this event. The Arne Nixon Center is offering an exhibition of m aterials related to Walter R. Brooks and illustrator Kurt Wiese from March 1 through May 31. ANCA, the Arne Nixon Center Advocates, will sponsor a rec eption for Freddy guests on Saturday evening, March 26.
Travel to Fresno is convenient by plane (the Fresno Yosemite airport code i s FAT), Amtrak, Greyhound, or automobile. Fresno is about a four-hour drive from either San Francisco or Los Angeles. The Piccadilly Inn-University is the conference hotel, located just across the street from the Fresno State campus. The hotel phone number is 559 224-4200.
The event is free for members, $25 for non-members, and this fee includes a year's membership in the Friends of Freddy. For a registration form, see w This event is suitable for older children, who must be accompanied by adults.
Best wishes,
Angelica Carpenter
Angelica Carpenter, Curator Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children's Literature Henry Madden Library California State University, Fresno
Received on Wed 09 Feb 2011 09:44:12 AM CST