CCBC-Net Archives

Re: reluctant readers

Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2011 13:59:26 -0500 (EST)

Dean's description of his 7th and 8th grade students struck a chord. My da ughter and her friends are that age. One thing I notice about their busy s chedules is that there is a lot of hurry up and wait and/or transit time. As someone who always carries a book, I'd love to see more kids adopt this habit.

My kid is lucky in that she inherited both her mother's ability to read in minimal light and her father's ability to read in a moving car. So she alm ost always has the option of reading rather than killing time. Booklights and/or audiobooks are an alternative for those of us with weaker eyes and/o r stomachs! But more often I see cellphones/gameboys, videos, and iphones filling that void.

Sue Hemberger Washington, DC
Received on Sun 06 Feb 2011 01:59:26 PM CST