CCBC-Net Archives

RE: teaming up for reading challenged students

From: Kate Brown <>
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 17:57:39 -0500

Hi, Christine --

Like you, I am uber-impressed with the quantitative improvement in the results -- as well as the emotional connections and supports offered these young, struggling readers -- by the various read to dogs programs that are developing around the country.

If you aren't familiar with these programs, see the drops from this google search --

=read+to+ OR+reading)+t

hl=en&rlz=1G1 pbx=1&fpy c4f8937ad9d1e2 -- or any of the multiple drops from EBSCO and Gale for additional information. ABCNews covered one of the programs during an evening news broadcast last summer, and I waned to stand up and cheer for everyone involved, the kids, the readers, the volunteers, and those wonderful dogs while I was brushing away those bits of emotion that were about to roll down my cheeks.

It's one of those duh! things -- kids + dogs + various levels of trained literacy volunteers the precise support kids need to improve their confidence and concurrent skills as readers.

It's a remarkable concept that seems to be successful what- or whoever the sponsoring organization is that embraces and encourages it.

Certainly, with what I've read of these programs' success in helping kids develop as readers, a program on the concept of using dogs as partners for struggling readers is one I would head for at the next CCBC, AASL, or ALSC conference, if anyone is up to doing one. (I wish I were a trained volunteer so I could do it myself.) Thanks. -- Kate Brown,


From: Christine Taylor-Butler
 Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 3:59 PM To: ccbc-net listserv Subject: Re:
 teaming up for reading challenged students

I'm really impressed with the PAWS for reading program in Tulsa. Letting children practice reading with dogs and puppies because animals are non-judgmental.

Innovation, instead of labels, so we find the right technique for each child, will go a long way. But with so many budget cuts and so much NCLB bureaucracy, I'm amazed the programs like this can thrive amongst the "weeds" dictated by outsiders.

Neat people, and nice program.....Christine

Received on Sat 05 Feb 2011 05:57:39 PM CST