CCBC-Net Archives

Elevate Education on

Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:28:42 +0000

Dear CCBC Colleagues,

The New York Times has excellent resources for teachers, students, and thos e interested in education issues. However, the placement of the Education l ink on the home page might suggest otherwise.

If you have gone to the home page and looked for the Education section, you may have noticed that it shares the same space with Classified s, Corrections, and Crosswords (see , left column, midway down page). Given the importance of education and the amplitude of the current discussions and debates in the field, I believe i t deserves greater visibility.

If you agree that education needs to be elevated on, please sig n the petition. It only takes 1-2 minutes to sign, and you can remain anony mous. With your support, Education will share the same space with World new s, Politics, Business, Technology, Health, Science and Travel!

To read and sign the petition, go to:

Please share this petition with your friends, colleagues, and on your socia l media platform of choice (i.e., facebook, Twitter, etc.)! With your help we will reach our goal of 1,000 signatures.

Thanks for your support!


Kristin Larsen, M. Ed.

Doctoral Candidate, Reading/Writing/Literacy Graduate School of Education University of Pennsylvania
Received on Fri 04 Feb 2011 10:28:42 PM CST