CCBC-Net Archives

Re: a Sick Day for Amos McGee

From: Mary Ann Scheuer <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 14:17:41 -0800

I agree with other members - this is a book that has grown on me each time I read it to a group of children. I love how they discover the plot through the visual clues. I love the themes of friendship and concern for others.

A wonderful resource to read about Erin Stead's creative process is the interview on *Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast: *

Erin Stead explains her woodblock carving methods, and shows examples of each step during the creative process.

To me, this is a wonderful book to celebrate in the awards season - one that wouldn't have grabbed my attention in a store or catalog, but one that I will go back to for years.

Mary Ann Scheuer Emerson Elementary School Berkeley, CA
Received on Fri 21 Jan 2011 02:17:41 PM CST