CCBC-Net Archives

Art and Max

From: Shelby Anne Wolf <shelby.wolf_at_Colorado.EDU>
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 19:58:17 -0700

All, One of my favorite new books is Art and Max by David Wiesner. It's glorious. I saw him give a talk on this and the rest of his work at the NCTE conference a couple of weeks ago. He was just brilliant. They gave all of us a free copy of the book and since he was sitting at my table, he signed mine. I got to know him through Larry Sipe and together they wrote a chapter along with Chris Raschka for my Handbook of Research on Children's and Young Adult Literature. David and Chris generously donated sketches to us and with their lovely essays. So it was a particular thrill to meet him. Shelby

Dr. Shelby A. Wolf Professor & President's Teaching Scholar

University of Colorado at Boulder School of Education 124 Education Buildiing Campus Box 249 Boulder, CO 80309-0249 (303) 492-8360 (303) 492-7090 (FAX) (303) 581-9846 (Home) (303 246-0072 (Cell)

Received on Sun 05 Dec 2010 07:58:17 PM CST