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Re:ccbc-net digest: November 21, 2010

From: Janeyolen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 06:23:35 -0500 (EST)

Yep and yep. He stuns me with the variety of his poetry books and how good they are. He makes all us poets look better, and challenges us at the same time.



From: writerbabe To: ccbc-net Sent: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 2:05 am Subject: Re:
 ccbc-net digest: November 21, 2010

IВ second that! В Congratulations to Pat!

Marilyn Singer


From: CCBC Network digest &lt;; To: ccbc-net digest recipients &lt;; Sent: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 1:05 am Subject: ccbc-net digest: November 21, 2010

CCBC-NET Digest for Sunday, November 21, 2010.1. NCTE POETRY AWARD--------------------------------------------------------------------

NCTE POETRY AWARDFrom: Lbhcove_at_aol.comDate: Sun, 21 Nov 2010=2 0 13:50:43 -0500 (EST)X-Message-Number: 1The 2011 award goes to J. Patrick Lewis. It is so well deserved. Pat has beena major voice in the world of children's poetry for the past two decades. Aboutpoetry he once said to me: "Poetry is a blind date with enchantment." A hearty round of congratulations to a great guy. Lee Bennett Hopkins ORIGINAL WORKSBEEN TO YESTERDAYS: POEMS OF A LIFE (BOYDS MILLS PRESS)*STARRED REVIEW/SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNALCHRISTOPHER AWARDSCBWI GOLDEN KITE HONOR BOOKCITY I LOVE (ABRAMS)*STARRED REVIEW / SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL *STARRED REVIEW / PUBLISHERS WEEKLYBEST BOOKS OF 2009/=2 0 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARYPITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTENEW COLLECTIONS:AMAZING FACES (LEE & LOW) ILLUSTRATED BY CHRIS SOENTPIET*STARRED REVIEW / PUBLISHERS WEEKLYSHARING THE SEASONS (SIMON & SCHUSTER/MCELDERRY BOOKS)ILLUSTRATED BY DAVID DIAZ*STARRED REVIEW / KIRKUS*STARRED REVIEW/ BOOKLIST---END OF DIGEST---You are currently subscribed to

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Received on Mon 22 Nov 2010 06:23:35 AM CST