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Re: book drives
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From: Nance <>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 14:26:37 -0500
he issue of book drives is an important one. As adults, we do what we can to put books into the hands of children. I wanted to share a story of how my daughter (now 8 years old) is helping to put books into the hands of children.
Last year my daughter began a book/stuffed animal drive for children entering foster care. She collected new and used books and stuffed animals for a local Intervention group to give to children when they are removed from their homes. She prepares bags (usually old conference bags) with toys and books that she organizes around the potential age of the children. The program was so successful this year, that this year I had to recruit help for her. Thus in April, with the help of the high school Interact club the drive will enjoy it's second year.
My daughter began this "drive" because she learned that kids often arrive in foster care with only the clothes on their backs and felt that they needed something to cuddle and a good book to read to their new friend (the stuffed animal).
Thank you for all that you do for children,
Nance S. Wilson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Teaching, Learning and Leadership University of Central Florida Office: 320F Office: (407) 823-4332 Cell: (407) 504-READ
Received on Thu 11 Nov 2010 02:26:37 PM CST
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 14:26:37 -0500
he issue of book drives is an important one. As adults, we do what we can to put books into the hands of children. I wanted to share a story of how my daughter (now 8 years old) is helping to put books into the hands of children.
Last year my daughter began a book/stuffed animal drive for children entering foster care. She collected new and used books and stuffed animals for a local Intervention group to give to children when they are removed from their homes. She prepares bags (usually old conference bags) with toys and books that she organizes around the potential age of the children. The program was so successful this year, that this year I had to recruit help for her. Thus in April, with the help of the high school Interact club the drive will enjoy it's second year.
My daughter began this "drive" because she learned that kids often arrive in foster care with only the clothes on their backs and felt that they needed something to cuddle and a good book to read to their new friend (the stuffed animal).
Thank you for all that you do for children,
Nance S. Wilson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Teaching, Learning and Leadership University of Central Florida Office: 320F Office: (407) 823-4332 Cell: (407) 504-READ
Received on Thu 11 Nov 2010 02:26:37 PM CST