CCBC-Net Archives

RE: Giving books to children

From: Killeen, Erlene <Erlene.Killeen_at_Stoughton.K12.WI.US>
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 20:49:08 -0600

I must speak up for Reading Is Fundamental -- a program that has existed fo r over 30 years, offerring books for children through local programs. I ha ve been involved with this for over 20 years here in Stoughton. We don't r eceive funding from RIF as we do not have a high enough poverty rate but we take advantage of the reduced prices from publishers (paperbacks) and the free shipping that we get because we are a RIF site. Each year every stude nt in my school receives 3 paperback books of their own choosing. We offer a great variety of really good picture books and youth novels. This is one program that high school kids always ask me about -- "Are you s till giving kids books each year?" The kids in my school get really excite d each time we set up a give away event -- doesn't matter if they come from families with books at home or not -- everyone loves getting free books! We give them out in Jan-Feb-March because it's winter time and a good time to snuggle up with books. Of course, we have some steady fu nding for our libraries so all these kids get good books from the school library -- ANY and EVERY day -- not once a w eek.

We also send backpacks filled with books home with first and second graders (3 kids in each classroom every two weeks) This is for the SPARC (School, Parent, and Reading Connection) program that we based on Cambridge's succe ssful program and partially sponsored through Dane County years ago. Many Dane County schools do this as well. The kids don't keep these books, but they have the backpacks with books, small games, and other learning activi ties for two weeks. It is a pretty successful program. We all still think reading matters and that means getting books into kids' hands.

Erlene Bishop Killeen Stoughton Area Schools 1601 West South Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-877-5181
Received on Sun 07 Nov 2010 08:49:08 PM CST