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Re: Cost of Picture Books

From: sue corbett <>
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 12:55:17 -0500

Much to the (initial) embarrassment of my own children, I give out books at Halloween, too. Kids get a choice -- piece of candy or a book. I'd say 9/10 choose the book.(I always flatter the book-opters by pointing out th ey've made the smarter choice, too.) This year I ran out of books in the box I'd prepared but when three of my middle schooler's friends came to door, I went to the office and grabbed them some arcs of which I had rece ived more than one copy (happens way too frequently, by the way) He report ed all three of them were huddled over their arcs at lunch the next day an d were the envy of their peers. So I'm not a total embarrassment in his ey es anymore. :)

I also carry board books in my canvas shopping totes. I know some people think, "Wow. This is odd," but if I see a baby in a stroller, I ask permi ssion to give them a book, especially if they are fussing.

Anyway, the point is, I'm always ready to equate any holiday with book-giv ing, as probably everybody else on this list is, too. It reminds me of the famous, possibly true, anecdote about Anne Carroll Moore firing a librari an who thought a new book didn't make a very good prize for winners of the summer reading contest. It's really up to us to address that mindset. If not us, the booklovers of the world, then who?

Sue Corbett ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


From: Stacy Dillon &lt;; To: Cc: Subscribers of ccbc-net &lt;; Sent: Sun, Nov 7, 2010 12:14 pm Subject: Re:
 Cost of Picture Books

I agree with Ed regarding value of the printed word.? If parents are no t modeling reading behaviours, or kids are in schools where the library is locked when it's not staffed, or there's not a library at all, the value of reading is certainly diminished.?? Sometimes the best thing that we ca n do as supplemental adults in the lives of children is to give books as often and freely as we can.? One year when I was on an ALA committee I ha d a ridiculous amount of books around, so I gave them away for Halloween.? My husband was worried that the kids wouldn't want them, but the looks on their faces changed his mind.? There was one boy who couldn't contain him self and started jumping up and down with his copy of one of the HP books over his head.? Not one single child groaned at the idea of getting his/h er very own book.? Maybe some of those kids didn't have parents who would take them to the library, or take the time to hunt for more affordable bo oks.

Best, Stacy Dillon

Stacy Dillon Lower School Librarian LREI - Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School 272 Sixth Avenue NY, NY 10014 ?
Received on Sun 07 Nov 2010 12:55:17 PM CST