CCBC-Net Archives

Price of picture books

From: Judith Ridge <>
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 20:52:50 +1100

I thought in context of the current discussion that it may interest you all to know that the price of a locally published hardback picture book in Australia is $25-30. (Our dollars are currently at parity, too, so if you'r e trying to do the maths, that's $25-30 in US dollars at the moment!) Our market is comparatively tiny to yours, and a print run of between 2000 and 4000 is about standard for a hardback picture book. Subsequently we publish fewer picture books by ratio to the US and the price point, as you can imagine, poses challenges for many of the families who most need to have books in the home.


Judith Ridge Western Sydney Young People's Literature Officer

Arts and Cultural Development Blacktown City Council PO Box 63 (62 Flushcombe Road) Blacktown NSW 2148 AUSTRALIA

-- My work blog: My personal blog: My personal website:

Judith Ridge Western Sydney Young People's Literature Officer

Arts and Cultural Development Blacktown City Council PO Box 63 (62 Flushcombe Road) Blacktown NSW 2148 AUSTRALIA

-- My work blog: My personal blog: My personal website:
Received on Sun 07 Nov 2010 08:52:50 PM CST