CCBC-Net Archives

Re: A Paucity of Picture Books

From: Meghan McCarthy <>
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2010 09:21:07 -0700 (PDT)

You wouldn't believe the amount of people in NYC who do not utilize the lib rary and should... or have NO idea what the library is. I'm not exaggerating. On e conversation with a customer went like this: "How much is this book?" "16 dollars." "That much! I can't afford that. Do you have anything cheaper? My son needs

these books for a school report tomorrow." "No, they're all around that price. Why don't you try the library?" "The what?"

People try to use bookstores like their personal library by buying the book s and then returning them. The store's return policy had to change for that reaso n. It was getting out of control!

Believe it or not schools have taken field trips to the bookstore! Every ti me that happened I asked "Why not the library? Half these kids don't know what one is!"

I just feel like if more people utilized the library system then more kids would be reading. I mean, books are free there! Perhaps then libraries would get more funding, etc. AND kids and their parents would be getting good advice. Not all booksellers working at chains know what they're talking about. Lots of booksellers are hired right after high school, etc. because the pay is so p oor.

Received on Sat 06 Nov 2010 09:21:07 AM CDT