CCBC-Net Archives

Re: A Paucity of Picture Books

From: Kenneth Cadow <>
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2010 00:21:00 -0400

I found the most disturbing aspect of the Times article to be the idea that some parents and schools might trade intimacy with our children for better standardized test scores. Since I can't bring myself to believe that a lot of us could stoop so low in our national misdirected drive to "catch up" with other nations, I'd rather focus on something else.

As an art teacher, I appreciate Lisa Von Drasek's mention of visual literacy. The same economy that is a factor in causing people to debate the purchase of a picture book is causing our schools to cut many of the "specials." Children who aren't rushed to flip the pages simply because all the words have been read, who are allowed to peruse the illustrations of a quality picture book are developing an essential awareness of the elements and principles of design. As they intuit the value of white space, or the effects that colors have in creating mood, or the impact of a balanced or imbalanced composition, they are creating a foundation for their own aesthetic. Even as schools offer fewer and fewer opportunities to study and explore the arts, the enduring value of cultivating sensory awareness and putting it to work is no secret. I think the picture book is a powerful tool in that respect.



Kenneth M. Cadow Alfie Runs Away Frances Foster Books/FSG books for young readers 2010
Received on Sat 06 Nov 2010 12:21:00 AM CDT