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Picture Books as a springboard for writing

From: Marge Pellegrino <>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 20:50:32 -0700

I've been using picture books in workshops with folks of all ages in schools, libraries and community settings for more than twenty years. I don't know an age group that doesn't respond to a well written/well illustrated/well read picturebook. A few weeks ago it was a fifth grader wh o asked that I reread Pat Mora's "The Desert is My Mother" one more time.

A great picture book inspires and can invite poetry and journaling from reluctant writers. A book like "This House is Made of Mud" by Ken Buchanan can be listened to, taken apart, and the writing prompt "This Person is Mad e of" becomes pure pleasure. The shared writing builds community whatever the venue.

Picture books are magic. I'm crazy about -- couldn't do my work without them.

Write on! Marge
Received on Fri 05 Nov 2010 08:50:32 PM CDT