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YALSA's First Annual Past Presidents' Lecture
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From: Jon Atkinson <>
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 12:45:06 -0500
SAVE THE DATE First Annual YALSA Past Presidents' LectureJanuary 8, 2011American Libr ar y Association Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, California4:00-5:30 p.m .Lec turer: Dr. Mary K. Chelton Want an informative and entertaining overview of the YA specialization--pas t, present and future? This lecture is for you.
Mary K. Chelton illuminates the topic: "Roots and Branches: YA Beginnings a nd Horizons." Currently professor at Queens College, GSLIS, City U nive rsity of New York, Chelton is eminently qualified for the topic, di scus sing why and how the YA specialty began, what the currents trends of no te are, and where the specialty is going. President of YASD, YALSA's pre decessor, in 1976-1977, Chelton has for almost forty years been a t houg ht-provoking, passionate and sometimes controversial advocate for young a dults and library services for them. Co-founder of VOYA (Voice of Youth Ad vocates) with Dr. Dorothy Broderick, she continues as research, tea cher , thinker and writer in the areas of young adult services, public l ibra ries, and many current topics such as romance literature. Please add this event to you Midwinter ALA schedule! Joan AtkinsonChair, YALSA Past Presidents' Lecture Planning Committee
Received on Wed 03 Nov 2010 12:45:06 PM CDT
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 12:45:06 -0500
SAVE THE DATE First Annual YALSA Past Presidents' LectureJanuary 8, 2011American Libr ar y Association Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, California4:00-5:30 p.m .Lec turer: Dr. Mary K. Chelton Want an informative and entertaining overview of the YA specialization--pas t, present and future? This lecture is for you.
Mary K. Chelton illuminates the topic: "Roots and Branches: YA Beginnings a nd Horizons." Currently professor at Queens College, GSLIS, City U nive rsity of New York, Chelton is eminently qualified for the topic, di scus sing why and how the YA specialty began, what the currents trends of no te are, and where the specialty is going. President of YASD, YALSA's pre decessor, in 1976-1977, Chelton has for almost forty years been a t houg ht-provoking, passionate and sometimes controversial advocate for young a dults and library services for them. Co-founder of VOYA (Voice of Youth Ad vocates) with Dr. Dorothy Broderick, she continues as research, tea cher , thinker and writer in the areas of young adult services, public l ibra ries, and many current topics such as romance literature. Please add this event to you Midwinter ALA schedule! Joan AtkinsonChair, YALSA Past Presidents' Lecture Planning Committee
Received on Wed 03 Nov 2010 12:45:06 PM CDT