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Poetry session (pre and post participation invited)

From: Vardell, Sylvia <>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 09:39:39 -0500

In preparation for our upcoming session at the NCTE (National Council of Te achers of English) convention in Orlando in two weeks, three bloggers are f eaturing four poets who will be on the panel: Lee Bennett Hopkins, Pat Mora , Jame Richards, and Marilyn Singer. We're trying to promote our session, o f course, but we're also trying to extend the conference experience for tho se who may not be able to attend in person. It was part of our proposal. We 'll also share session highlights AFTER the conference, possibly even video clips. We welcome input and interaction.

Elaine Magliaro is featuring Lee Bennett Hopkins at Wild Rose Reader:

Tricia Stohr-Hunt is featuring Marilyn Singer at The Miss Rumphius Effect:

And I am featuring Pat Mora and Jame Richards at Poetry for Children:

Please stop by!

Sylvia M. Vardell, Ph.D. Professor Texas Woman's University School of Library & Information Studies P O Box 425438 Denton TX 76204-5438 940-898-2616

Author of: CHILDREN'S LITERATURE IN ACTION; A LIBRARIAN'S GUIDE (Libraries Unlimited, 2008) POETRY PEOPLE; A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CHILDREN'S POETS (Libraries Unlimited, 2007) POETRY ALOUD HERE! SHARING POETRY WITH CHILDREN IN THE LIBRARY (ALA, 2006) BOOK LINKS columnist: Everyday Poetry Co-Editor, BOOKBIRD, the journal of international children's literature (ht tp://
Received on Tue 02 Nov 2010 09:39:39 AM CDT