CCBC-Net Archives

RE: Embarassing mistakes

From: David Richardson <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 17:40:28 -0400

Sally is correct. If we need to make ourselves part of the solution. While public librarians, public school librarians/teachers, and private schoo l librarians/teachers have their own unique set of challenges, there is s ome common ground for everyone: All of them want to get good books into the hands of children.

Here at The Blue Marble Bookstore, we host a monthly event called Bookaho lics. We invite teachers, librarians, writers, and enthusiasts to com e share what they've read the previous month. We don't require reading a sp ecific book. It works out great. Everyone shares their finds, discusses t he caveats (language, sex, etc.) that may cause problems for certain sc hools, and talks about what/how they think the book can be presented and used with kids. We often invite visiting authors to come share with us that evening if they are at the store.

It has worked tremendously well. Because we have such a great mix, our li brarians have been able to make easier decisions, defend those decisions better, and know which books they really need to read before making that selection choice. And we've built a strong and informed community of reader s.

Our attendance isn't always as great as we would like it to be (sadly), b ut we do have a core of loyal attendees who say they've benefitted greatly from the interaction.

keep reading, Dave Richardson The Blue Marble Bookstore

Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 13:34:14 -0400 From: Subject: Re:
 Embarassing mistakes To: CC:

Monica, Thanks for the understanding this post extends to the librarians who do, as you say, have an awesome responsibility. It's so easy to fin d fault without offering a helpful solution. How can we help librarians, especially school librarians, find the time they need if they are persona lly to review all the books their schools are offered? Sally Derby (Kyle's Island)
Received on Thu 30 Sep 2010 05:40:28 PM CDT