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Re: Professional Responsibility
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Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:44:09 +0000 (UTC)
"There is no exact science to book selection or collection building -- but there isВ a difference between uninformed subjectivity and trained anal ysis."
As usual, Marc Aronson is the voice of reason and wisdom.В So well put .В And I think it is important that we all keep our minds open, which to me includes being open to the possiblity that others' opinions will indu ce us to, at least in some small way, change our own opinions, or at least come to a clearer understanding of the reasoning behind the opinions of oth ers.В That's the purpose of having a discussion.В If everyone is simply trying to convince everyoneВ else that their own point of view i s the right one, nothing will everВ be accomplished.В And it's a ve ry good thing that collection building isn't an exact science!В That w ould mean libraries themselves would be much less diverse--obviously not a good thing for the publishing industry, authors, or, ultimately, readers. В Even within my school district, for instance, it works out well that the other middle school librarian and I don't buy exactly the same titles, because what one of us doesn't choose, the other often does,
and then betw een us we have more to offer (we always share what we have when teachers or students make requests)!
Maggie Bokelman
Eagle View Middle School
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Received on Sat 25 Sep 2010 03:44:09 PM CDT
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:44:09 +0000 (UTC)
"There is no exact science to book selection or collection building -- but there isВ a difference between uninformed subjectivity and trained anal ysis."
As usual, Marc Aronson is the voice of reason and wisdom.В So well put .В And I think it is important that we all keep our minds open, which to me includes being open to the possiblity that others' opinions will indu ce us to, at least in some small way, change our own opinions, or at least come to a clearer understanding of the reasoning behind the opinions of oth ers.В That's the purpose of having a discussion.В If everyone is simply trying to convince everyoneВ else that their own point of view i s the right one, nothing will everВ be accomplished.В And it's a ve ry good thing that collection building isn't an exact science!В That w ould mean libraries themselves would be much less diverse--obviously not a good thing for the publishing industry, authors, or, ultimately, readers. В Even within my school district, for instance, it works out well that the other middle school librarian and I don't buy exactly the same titles, because what one of us doesn't choose, the other often does,
and then betw een us we have more to offer (we always share what we have when teachers or students make requests)!
Maggie Bokelman
Eagle View Middle School
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Received on Sat 25 Sep 2010 03:44:09 PM CDT