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RE: Professional Responsibility

From: Giffard, Sue <>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 10:16:20 -0400

As a former publisher of children's books, I cannot think of any "new" books published by mainstream publishers that portray Indians as "savage, primitive," etc., and by "new" I mean the last three or more decades. Norma Jean

Here are two examples on this continuum: "Peter Pan in Scarlet" by Geraldine McCaughrean (2006) "The Indian in the Cupboard" series by Lynne Reid Banks (republished just t his year and heralded by an article in SLJ)


Sue Giffard Ethical Culture School New York, NY 10023 (212)712-6292

"Perhaps the only victory available
 the victory of the heart over its own inclinations for despair, revenge and hatred." (Leonard Cohen, Septembe r 24, 2009)

Received on Sat 25 Sep 2010 10:16:20 AM CDT