CCBC-Net Archives

Spanish Language Materials

From: Carling Febry <>
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 16:44:27 -0500

As a new elementary school librarian in Madison, Wisconsin with about 31% of my students as native Spanish-speakers (including several bilingual classrooms), it's important for me to not only have the pop culture books in Spanish, but also books that are culturally relevant and of high literary quality (not necessarily just translations or a bilingual version of the English book). This can be a challenge since not all of our students are from a single Spanish-speaking country, so taking into account cultural norms and language differences is necessary as well. It's relatively easy now to find translated books, but getting the more culturally relevant, high quality books written originally in Spanish is more difficult.

I have found being a member of REFORMA has helped alert me to resources of children's literature in Spanish--especially their links for Children & Young Adult Services. SLJ's Criticas is a helpful resource for getting reviews on books in Spanish. I have also used bibliographies from colleagues who have traveled to Latin America to look specifically for books to purchase for their school libraries.

Getting the books isn't always straightforward. I think it takes a combination of sources, including using some of the usual vendors (Lectorum) and a bit of book stores/online ordering. My school is looking into trying Books del Sur as well, but we're constantly looking for more ways to get the books.


-- Carling Febry Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 N. Park St. Madison, WI 53706

Phone: 608-890-1332 Fax: 608-262-4933
Received on Tue 07 Sep 2010 04:44:27 PM CDT