CCBC-Net Archives

Rabbit Hill Festival of Literature - October 2010

From: Connie Rockman <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2010 11:00:08 -0400

The Rabbit Hill Festival of Literature in Westport, CT celebrates its 10th anniversary October 21-23, 2010 with 'double the fun.'

This year's theme is Collaboration ... the magical thing that happens when authors and/or artists work closely together to create books. Appearing in Westport schools (on Friday, Oct. 22) and speaking at a symposium for adults (on Saturday, Oct. 23) will be: Ted and Betsy Lewin, Andrea Davis Pinkney and Brian Pinkney, Jim and Kate McMullan, Cornelius Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu, Lucia Gonzalez and Lulu Delacre, and Pegi Deitz Shea.

The festival's opening event on Thursday evening, Oct. 21, features Emma Walton Hamilton, who will speak about her writing collaboration with her mother, Julie Andrews, and her own efforts to promote literacy. On Friday, while the authors speak in schools, festival goers can tour the nearby Weston Woods studios in the morning and hear Sharon McQueen in the afternoon talk about her extensive research into the history of the historic collaborative work between author Munro Leaf and illustrator Robert Lawson (for whom the festival is named).

For further information and registration information:

Connie Rockman Children's Literature Consultant Rabbit Hill Festival Program Advisor
Received on Mon 05 Jul 2010 11:00:08 AM CDT