CCBC-Net Archives

Books for Newly Independent Readers

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 15:19:15 -0500

If you're coming to the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., consider attending the ALSC program titled "Move Over Dick and Jane: Reconsidering Books for Beginning Readers" on Saturday, June 26, 10:30am - Noon.

Here's the program description from an ALSC program announcement : "What constitutes a book for beginning readers? Do they come in one form or many? The Geisel Award books are bold departures from the leveled series. Many of these books signal a new era of innovating writing and book design. Perpare to change your perceptions of what meakes a great book for early readers. Meet the authors and editors of Geisel Award-winning titles and see what the future holds. Learn how to match these innovative books to the developmental needs of early readers."

I didn't write the above program description. However, after seeing it, I'm inclined to ask a rhetorical question: are many of the Geisel Award & Honor books honored to date are actually "bold departures?"

I'm told there will be a chance for discussion during the June 26th program. Very likely the issue of leveled books and how/where to shelve/locate them in school and public libraries will be raised in one way or another. Maybe you'll make a comment based upon your experience, or talk about something you're now thinking about due to this recent flurry of messages about shelving/locating beginning readers. I hope so.

See you there?

Cheers, Ginny

Ginny Moore Kruse Chair, 2007 Geisel Award Committee
Received on Wed 09 Jun 2010 03:19:15 PM CDT