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announcement (w/ correct web address)
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From: Aline Pereira <>
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 11:58:38 -0700
I just realized there was a typo on the web address I sent earlier. Here's the correct one:
Aline Pereira Managing Editor, PaperTigers Pacific Rim Voices 300 Third Street, #822 San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 648-4528
PaperTigers - A colorful website devoted to multicultural books from around the world for children and young adults, with a particular focus on the Pacific Rim and South Asia.
PaperTigers Blog- Speaking of multicultural books for young readers, world literacy, and more...
Received on Sat 05 Jun 2010 11:58:38 AM CDT
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 11:58:38 -0700
I just realized there was a typo on the web address I sent earlier. Here's the correct one:
Aline Pereira Managing Editor, PaperTigers Pacific Rim Voices 300 Third Street, #822 San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 648-4528
PaperTigers - A colorful website devoted to multicultural books from around the world for children and young adults, with a particular focus on the Pacific Rim and South Asia.
PaperTigers Blog- Speaking of multicultural books for young readers, world literacy, and more...
Received on Sat 05 Jun 2010 11:58:38 AM CDT