CCBC-Net Archives

Boys and Books

From: Aline Pereira <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 10:57:16 -0700

I don't have a boy, so can't speak from personal experience on the subject, but I have read a very interesting series of posts on "Building Better Books for Boys" over at David Elzey's blog, Fomagrams. David is a student at Vermont College of Fine Arts working towards an MFA in creative writing for children and young adults. With this series, inspired by a lecture he's given as part of his graduate residency, he explores various aspects of the "boys and reading" equation, dividing them, intriguingly enough, into two main categories of his own creation: the H.E.A.V.E.S and the NONs.

Here's the blog address: The series (#1-11) can be found in the February and March archives.


Aline Pereira Managing Editor, PaperTigers Pacific Rim Voices 300 Third Street, #822 San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 648-4528

PaperTigers - A colorful website devoted to multicultural books from around the world for children and young adults, with a particular focus on the Pacific Rim and South Asia.

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Received on Fri 23 Apr 2010 10:57:16 AM CDT