CCBC-Net Archives

Books for boys

From: Susan Daugherty <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 03:42:29 -0700 (PDT)

I just checked our summer reading lists to see if we are prejudiced, and I think we are doing OK.  We feature the authors C.S. Lewis, Roald Dahl, An thony Horowitz, Avi, Jim Murphy, Gary Blackwood, Walter Dean Myers, Chris C rutcher, Terry Pratcher, and Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Cormier, among many others.

We seem to have many novels about boys and girls and some nonfiction books about different subjects, but clearly the first person to compile these lis ts (I just subtract a little and add a little) took into account that we sh ould be trying to appeal to everyone.  It's frustrating to make lists bec ause you can only make a list so long.  You have to leave out so much goo d lit!

To tell you the truth, I am having trouble getting anyone in the middle sch ool to read right now.  The kids here buy their books because they can af ford anything they want.  They are very polite, and they will listen to w hat I read to them, but not being a classroom teacher, I don't see them oft en enough to read that much.  I only have a few avid readers here.  The downside of being such a small school is that you have fewer kids in your audience, but of course there are many pleasant aspects to being a small sc hool.


Susan Daugherty, Middle School Librarian TASIS-England Coldharbour Lane Thorpe, Surrey   TW20 8TE UK
Received on Fri 23 Apr 2010 03:42:29 AM CDT