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Fabulous folktales you/your library can't live without?

From: Maggi <>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 13:39:24 -0400

On Mar 19, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Carole DeRubeis wrote: It is unfortunate, as Ms. Yolen states, that publishers are publishing to the B/N market and not for schools/libraries. Support those smaller publishers who do publish quality, and ask yourself what it is you want to accomplish over your 6 years of library time with the kids.

I wonder, as an addendum to this discussion, if folks could recommend great classic folktales you've read or shared, or new folktales you've seen in the past few years you'd like to call to our attention? I would be willing to make a list and share it. Also, any professional literature or online bibs of folktales or other traditional literature would be excellent.

Recently I've been sharing epic poetry with my 5th graders. We've talked about Beowulf and the Iliad. They've been really enthusiastic about legends since Percy Jackson came out and it was a natural connection.

-Maggi Idzikowski Media Specialist Allen Elementary School, Ann Arbor MI Blogging with my 3-year-old at
Received on Sat 20 Mar 2010 01:39:24 PM CDT