CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Where Have All the Folktales Gone?

From: Steven Engelfried <>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 09:48:08 -0700 (PDT)

Great ideas from Maggi about how libraries can influence circulation of f olktales.  Grouping fractured tales together is brilliant!  When fo lktales sit spine-out in the non-fiction section between the 397's and 39 9's they don't get that much use.  They're too thin to see much from th e spines, and not that easy to browse.  On the other hand, they do great as face-out displays.  They have eye-catching covers and magnificent artw ork and get  just the reaction you want from a display:  "I didn't come here for that book, or for that type of book, but it sure looks interestin g..."  At one former library we separated out the picture book format 398 's from the collections, located them between picture books and our "Movi ng Up" section which was for 2nd-3rd graders, included plenty of slanted sh elves for face out display, and the circulation was great!

- Steven Engelfried, Multnomah County Library (OR)

--- On Sat, 3/20/10, Maggi wrote:

From: Maggi Subject: Re:
 Where Have All the Folktales Gone? To: "CCBC-NET" Date: Saturday, March 20, 2010, 8:24 AM

I've significantly increased the circ of my folktales by: - moving them next to the picture books - recataloging them by country (so all the Germany Grimm books are toge ther, etc.) - putting the name of the country on the spine label - cataloging the fractured fairy tales together

This is not very strict Dewey, but it's worked wonders for my circulation, and both the kids and the teachers love it.

On Mar 19, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Regina Pauly wrote:

I too have cut back on purchasing folk and fairy tales.  Of course I purc hase a few each year because they receive outstanding reviews and I want to have some more modern versions of the tales, but with the cost of books in creasing and my budget shrinking I can't justify spending much of my budget in an

-Maggi Idzikowski Media Specialist Allen Elementary School, Ann Arbor MI Blogging with my 3-year-old at

Received on Sat 20 Mar 2010 09:48:08 AM CDT