CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Where Have All the Folktales Gone?

From: Regina Pauly <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 11:23:37 -0500 (CDT)

I too have cut back on purchasing folk and fairy tales. Of course I purchase a few each year because they receive outstanding reviews and I want to have some more modern versions of the tales, but with the cost of books increasing and my budget shrinking I can't justify spending much of my budget in an area that doesn't have a large circulation. Our collection is fairly large with close to 1000 items (and I weeded last year!) so I know many tales are represented.

As a child I loved reading these stories and wore out my copy of "50 Famous Fairy tales ". I think there are so many modern stories that I desire to read and want to keep up with that I sometimes forget about this section and so I end up not pushing these books. I'm happy that I have been reminded of them. In many ways they are the essence of children's literature.

Regina Pauly Curriculum Librarian University of Wisconsin - Platteville 1 University Plaza Platteville , WI 53818 608-342-1099 paulyr _at_ uwplatt . edu
Received on Fri 19 Mar 2010 11:23:37 AM CDT