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Tim Hamilton to speak in Fresno

From: Angelica Carpenter <>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 18:39:48 -0800 (PST)

The public is invited to a talk by graphic novelist Tim Hamilton on Friday, March 19 th , at 7 p.m. at the Woodward Park Library, 944 East Perrin Aven ue , in northeast Fresno, California . Hamilton was authorized by Ray Bradb ury to create a graphic novel version of Fahrenheit 451 . First published i n 1953, Bradbury’s chilling novel tells the story of Guy Montag, a fireman whose job is burning books. In Montag’s tightly monitored w orld, thinking is dangerous and books are forbidden. Later this novel was m ade into a feature film starring Oskar Werner and Julie Christie.

Now Tim Hamilton has transformed the story into a striking new work of art that uniquely captures the hero’s awakening to the evil of governme nt-controlled thought and the inestimable value of philosophy, theology, an d literature. Reviewers have called Hamilton ’s darkly muted illust rations, appropriately sparked with burning orange, “vibrant and vi tal.” Ray Bradbury wrote the introduction to this new version of hi s classic book.

Graphic novels, formerly known as comic books, are one of the hottest trend s in publishing today, appealing particularly to young adults. Find out mor e about them and about Tim Hamilton, whose previous graphic novel was Treas ure Island . This free program is cosponsored by the Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children’s Literature at California State University , Fresno , and the Fresno County Public Library as part of “The Big Read” for 2010. Hamilton ’s book will be available for sale and autographing. There is no charge for this program.

For more information call (559) 278-8116 or see the website at www.arnenixo .
Received on Mon 01 Mar 2010 06:39:48 PM CST