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Call for papers

From: Kay Weisman <>
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 16:05:40 -0800

Call for Paper Proposals

“Second to the Right and Straight on Till Morning:” Navigating the Narrative Realm(s) of Children’s Texts

A Peer Reviewed Graduate Conference on Children’s Literature and Cultural Texts

With keynote speakers Philip Nel and Maria Tatar

The University of British Columbia

May 1, 2010

This is a one-day conference showcasing graduate research that explores and questions any facet of children’s literature. You are invited to submit a paper proposal that contributes to and extends existing research in the area of children’s texts, which may include novels, film, picture books, and other culturally produced modes of children’s literature. We are particularly interested in research that draws upon the broadly interpreted themes of navigation, exploration, and narrative.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

* The child or young adult as explorer/explored, navigator/navigated * Navigating (or negotiating) identity, gender, race or religion * Literary trends such as the history/future of children’s texts * Pathways of adaptation such as literary translations of texts to film, games, merchandise or graphic novels * Exploring place, the child as traveller/runaway/adventurer * Curtailed freedom, boundaries, restrictions * Cultural, physical, psychological, ideological, or literary restrictions and barriers to exploration and imagination

Papers on any children’s or young adult’s genre are welcome, as are submissions that discuss other children’s texts such as film, virtual texts, or graphic novels.

Please send a 250 word abstract, the title of your paper, a 50-word biography, your name, your university affiliation, email address, and phone number to Annie Low-Beer at by March 21, 2010. Please put “Conference Proposal” in the subject line of your email. A proposal form is available on our website at:

The conference fee of $16 for students and presenters, and $32 for faculty and professionals includes morning and afternoon refreshments and a catered lunch.

Kay Weisman
Received on Sat 27 Feb 2010 04:05:40 PM CST