CCBC-Net Archives

raffling off online chat with an author or artist

Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2010 18:51:00 -0500 (EST)

Balkin Buddies is sponsoring a raffle of a number of online chats with authors and artists and invite schools and libraries to participate. All you need is a computer with a camera (many computers come embedded with this now), a microphone and speakers (also built in to most computer s), and an account with iChat or Skype. Directions for how to get set up on

iChat and Skype can be found at html. To be eligible for the raffle, you must: (a) have an audience of at least 10 or more students (school children or

university students studying to be teachers or librarians). Please note that for larger audiences, you would need an activboard or some other means to

enlarge the chat onto a larger screen; (b) send the following information to _catherine_at_balkinbuddies.com_ ( or _balkinbuddies@aol.com_ ( by no later than February 15, 2010: - your name - your school or library affiliation - your email - your telephone number - the grade levels which you serve. Winners will be picked from a hat within a day or two after that and will

be notified within a week. Several winners will be chosen and may pick the author of their choice.

However, an author will not serve as a prize more than once, and each aut hor will go to whoever contacts us first. So if you are named a winner and ar e anxious to have one author over another, you would have to contact us as

soon as possible upon notification of being a winner. This information wi ll be repeated should you be named a winner. Balkin Buddies’ authors & artists participating in the raffle are : Ann Angel, Jennifer Armstrong, Tom Birdseye, Vicki Cobb, Dorothy Donohue, Paul

Fleisher, Jan Spivey Gilchrist, Jake Halpern, Gerald and Loretta Hausman,

Patricia Hermes, Alison Jackson, FranГ© Lessac, Elizabeth Levy, Robert Lipsyte, Emily Arnold McCully, Wendell Minor, Carol Nevius, LeslГ©a Newman, Mat t Novak, Darcy Pattison, Joanne Rocklin, Dave Ross, Elaine Scott, Kim Siegelson, Dashka Slater, Edward T. Sullivan, Arthur Yorinks, Lara M. Zeises, and Liz abeth Zindel. We look forward to hearing from you. Catherine Balkin Balkin Buddies Brooklyn, NY Tel 718 857 7605
Received on Mon 01 Feb 2010 06:51:00 PM CST