CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Interview with 'Rebecca Stead

From: Norma Jean Sawicki <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 23:20:13 -0500


Frankly, I have always thought it terrific of the Today Show to treat the N/C Awards as breaking news and to invite the recipients on the show asap. The intent being breaking in important. Given their full plate, and the speed, I doubt the key players on The Today show have the time to read the books cover to cover, let alone think about them. Thousands of people hear "the news" for the first time that morning, and I have never meet a writer or illustrator who was not delighted to appear. It's a different venue with a different purpose. And frankly, the few experts of children's literature who have appeared on The Today Show to talk about children's books in general have been, in particular, embarrassingly so; the reason I think it best for the staff to interview the recipients, and too, Al Roker's children's book recommendations have sales clout. It is to everyone's advantage for the awards to receive wide ranging publicity.

On Jan 30, 2010, at 9:37 PM, Miriam Lang Budin wrote:

Wonderful interview, Margaret! Thank you for sharing. (Isn't it amazing how much better this interview--by Kurt Anderson, who had obviously read and admired the book--is compared to those dimwits on the Today show?)

Cheers! Miriam

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 4:54 PM, Margaret Tice wrote:

Good interview with Rebecca Stead on Studio 360 this afternoon.

Margaret Tice

Received on Sat 30 Jan 2010 11:20:13 PM CST