CCBC-Net Archives

RE:ccbc-net digest: January 13, 2010

From: Beth Martin <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 09:37:13 -0600

Jonathon, I am not sure how Lisa does it but here is what I do...

I have 120 students in 4 separate classes participating in a Mock Newbery Unit. We discuss our books online via a Moodle forum that I have set up. It gets pretty lively. In addition, this year we visited with three author via Skype: Kathryn Fitzmaurice, Fran Cannon Slayton and Roseann Parry. They were awesome! Rebecca Stead has agreed to Skype with us at the end of January as she is busy meeting a writing deadline now. We are pretty excited about that! Each student must nominate their favorites and present their evidence to the class using the same criteria as the committee. This narrows the voting to just their favorites. We talk about the official procedure and use weighted voting. Each class chooses their own winner and honor books. That is happening today and tomorrow. We culminate with a Newbery Breakfast while we watch the live webcast of the Youth Media Awards. We will also be Skyping with school in another part of the state immediately following the announcement to compare reactions.

P.S. Students choose to write a book review or create a video book trailer for one of the books. I display these, along with multiple copies of all the books we read to "advertise" these new titles to the other 760 readers in my school next week.

Beth Martin Teacher Librarian DC Everest Middle School IMC 715-241-9700 ex.2320


I'm curious how you facilitate a discussion with 89 5th and 6th graders! Are they all in the same discussion or do they break out into individual groups? Do you use weighted voting until 45 of them agree on the same book with a 45 point spread? Just curious!

I'm doing my mock Newbery with about fifteen students today. Our shortlist has ten books, but I think it's a two-horse race between WHEN YOU REACH ME and THE LAST OLYMPIAN.


Received on Thu 14 Jan 2010 09:37:13 AM CST