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RE: Favorites
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From: Vardell, Sylvia <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 21:22:06 -0600
It's always fun to see what people are choosing as their favorite books of the year. I agree with Dean that it's been a bumper crop-- particularly for poetry for young people. I couldn't choose just ONE favorite, but here is my list of top poetry choices (at the moment)-- showcasing the tremendous v ariety and quality available this year:
Argueta, Jorge. 2009. Sopa de frijoles/ Bean Soup. Ill. by Rafael Yockteng. Toronto, ON: Groundwood.
Burg, Ann. 2009. All the Broken Pieces. Scholastic.
Florian, Douglas. 2009. Dinothesaurus. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Franco, Betsy. 2009. Curious Collection of Cats. Ill. by Michael Wertz. San Francisco, CA: Tricycle Press.
Frost, Helen. 2009. Crossing Stones. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
Hoberman, Mary Ann and Winston, Linda. 2009. The Tree That Time Built; A Ce lebration of Nature, Science, and Imagination. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. 2009. City I Love. Ill. by Marcellus Hall. New York: Abrams.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. 2009. Sky Magic. Ill. by Mariusz Stawarski. New York: Dutton.
Hughes, Langston. 2009. My People. Ill. by Charles R Smith Jr. New York: Si mon & Schuster.
Katz, Bobbi. 2009. The Monsterologist. New York: Sterling.
Lewis, J. Patrick. 2009. The House. Illus. by Roberto Innocenti. Minneapoli s, MN: Creative Editions.
Mordhorst, Heidi. 2009. Pumpkin Butterfly; Poems from the Other Side of Nat ure. Honesdale PA: Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
Rosen, Michael J. 2009. The Cuckoo’s Haiku and Other Birding Poems. Ill. by Stan Fellows. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick.
Ruddell, Deborah. 2009. A Whiff of Pine, A Hint of Skunk. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Salas, Laura. 2009. Stampede! Poems to Celebrate the Wild Side of School.! New York: Clarion.
Schertle, Alice. 2009. Button Up! Wrinkled Rhymes. Ill. by Petra Mathers. N ew York: Harcourt.
Sidman, Joyce. 2009. Red Sings From Treetops; A Year in Colors. Ill. by Pam ela Zagarenski. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Zimmer, Tracie Vaughn. 2009. Steady Hands: Poems About Work. New York: Clar ion.
Sylvia M. Vardell, Ph.D. Professor Texas Woman's University School of Library & Information Studies P O Box 425438 Denton TX 76204-5438 940-898-2616
Author of: CHILDREN'S LITERATURE IN ACTION; A LIBRARIAN'S GUIDE (Libraries Unlimited, 2008) POETRY PEOPLE; A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CHILDREN'S POETS (Libraries Unlimited, 2007) POETRY ALOUD HERE! SHARING POETRY WITH CHILDREN IN THE LIBRARY (ALA, 2006) BOOK LINKS columnist: Everyday Poetry Co-Editor, BOOKBIRD, the journal of international children's literature (ht tp://
From: Dean Schneider
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 1:52 PM To: Subject:
This has been a great year!
My favorite book of the year has been Elizabeth Partridge’s Marching for Freedom. I see it as a perfect balance of text and photographs, for a great example of the photo-essay, one of my favorite genres. I find both the wri ting and the design equally distinguished. This is the one I’d be most ex cited to see with a Newbery sticker on it. An important and beautiful book.
Other Newbery-type books I’ve especially liked are Claudette Colvin, A Se ason of Gifts, When You Reach Me, Leviathan, and Catching Fire.
My favorite Caldecott possibilities are Jerry Pinkney’s The Lion & the Mo use and Scanlon & Frazee’s All the World.
Still on my stack to read soon are some of the most talked about YA titles: Crossing Stones, Marcelo in the Real World, Lips Touch, and Shooting Star.
Dean Schneider Ensworth School Nashville, TN 37205
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 21:22:06 -0600
It's always fun to see what people are choosing as their favorite books of the year. I agree with Dean that it's been a bumper crop-- particularly for poetry for young people. I couldn't choose just ONE favorite, but here is my list of top poetry choices (at the moment)-- showcasing the tremendous v ariety and quality available this year:
Argueta, Jorge. 2009. Sopa de frijoles/ Bean Soup. Ill. by Rafael Yockteng. Toronto, ON: Groundwood.
Burg, Ann. 2009. All the Broken Pieces. Scholastic.
Florian, Douglas. 2009. Dinothesaurus. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Franco, Betsy. 2009. Curious Collection of Cats. Ill. by Michael Wertz. San Francisco, CA: Tricycle Press.
Frost, Helen. 2009. Crossing Stones. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
Hoberman, Mary Ann and Winston, Linda. 2009. The Tree That Time Built; A Ce lebration of Nature, Science, and Imagination. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. 2009. City I Love. Ill. by Marcellus Hall. New York: Abrams.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. 2009. Sky Magic. Ill. by Mariusz Stawarski. New York: Dutton.
Hughes, Langston. 2009. My People. Ill. by Charles R Smith Jr. New York: Si mon & Schuster.
Katz, Bobbi. 2009. The Monsterologist. New York: Sterling.
Lewis, J. Patrick. 2009. The House. Illus. by Roberto Innocenti. Minneapoli s, MN: Creative Editions.
Mordhorst, Heidi. 2009. Pumpkin Butterfly; Poems from the Other Side of Nat ure. Honesdale PA: Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press.
Rosen, Michael J. 2009. The Cuckoo’s Haiku and Other Birding Poems. Ill. by Stan Fellows. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick.
Ruddell, Deborah. 2009. A Whiff of Pine, A Hint of Skunk. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Salas, Laura. 2009. Stampede! Poems to Celebrate the Wild Side of School.! New York: Clarion.
Schertle, Alice. 2009. Button Up! Wrinkled Rhymes. Ill. by Petra Mathers. N ew York: Harcourt.
Sidman, Joyce. 2009. Red Sings From Treetops; A Year in Colors. Ill. by Pam ela Zagarenski. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Zimmer, Tracie Vaughn. 2009. Steady Hands: Poems About Work. New York: Clar ion.
Sylvia M. Vardell, Ph.D. Professor Texas Woman's University School of Library & Information Studies P O Box 425438 Denton TX 76204-5438 940-898-2616
Author of: CHILDREN'S LITERATURE IN ACTION; A LIBRARIAN'S GUIDE (Libraries Unlimited, 2008) POETRY PEOPLE; A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CHILDREN'S POETS (Libraries Unlimited, 2007) POETRY ALOUD HERE! SHARING POETRY WITH CHILDREN IN THE LIBRARY (ALA, 2006) BOOK LINKS columnist: Everyday Poetry Co-Editor, BOOKBIRD, the journal of international children's literature (ht tp://
From: Dean Schneider
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 1:52 PM To: Subject:
This has been a great year!
My favorite book of the year has been Elizabeth Partridge’s Marching for Freedom. I see it as a perfect balance of text and photographs, for a great example of the photo-essay, one of my favorite genres. I find both the wri ting and the design equally distinguished. This is the one I’d be most ex cited to see with a Newbery sticker on it. An important and beautiful book.
Other Newbery-type books I’ve especially liked are Claudette Colvin, A Se ason of Gifts, When You Reach Me, Leviathan, and Catching Fire.
My favorite Caldecott possibilities are Jerry Pinkney’s The Lion & the Mo use and Scanlon & Frazee’s All the World.
Still on my stack to read soon are some of the most talked about YA titles: Crossing Stones, Marcelo in the Real World, Lips Touch, and Shooting Star.
Dean Schneider Ensworth School Nashville, TN 37205
---Received on Thu 10 Dec 2009 09:22:06 PM CST