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RE: Favorites!
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From: Kerry Gleason <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:09:36 -0500
There have been a few picture books that I’ve been really excited about t his year.
One of my favorite illustrated books of 2009 was “Only a Witch can Fly” by Alison McGhee and Illustrated by Taeeun Yoo. I had noticed the illust rations of Yoo in 2008’s “The Umbrella Queen” by Shirin Bridges and a ppreciated the sweet faces and restrained color palette. This Halloween sto ry written as a sestina (a very old form of poetry that originated with Fre nch troubadours in the 12th century) also has sweet faces and a restrained color palette but struck a chord in me unlike any other illustrated book th is year. The color palette for “Only a Witch can Fly” consists of black , white, sage, pumpkin and spice. Don’t these colors evoke nighttim e in fall and pumpkins to you? I’ve always appreciated block printing and Yoo uses linoleum block prints to perfection to express the simplicity and grace of the home but also the sophistication of the night. I loved this book.
I’m always excited to see a new Emily Gravett and “The Odd Egg” did n ot disappoint. Her books are consistently filled with vivid imagination an d little details that I’m amused by. The surprise ending of the “Odd E gg” delighted me and my preschoolers. But what I appreciated most were th e specially designed cut pages letting you feel the anticipation of the hat ching, the disappointment and eventual triumph of duck.
One of the most anticipated picture books for me this year is “Here Comes Jack Frost” by Kazuno Konara. It is still on order so I can’t give my opinion just yet but I do want to make note of it. I was blown away last ye ar by her picture book“Ghosts in the House” and can’t wait to get my hands on this new winter tale.
If I can find more time, I'll send some of my nf, jfic and ya favorites . Looking forward to hearing about all of your favorite books of 2009.
Kerry Gleason
Youth Services
Wilmington Institute Library
Wilmington DE
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Received on Thu 10 Dec 2009 12:09:36 PM CST
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:09:36 -0500
There have been a few picture books that I’ve been really excited about t his year.
One of my favorite illustrated books of 2009 was “Only a Witch can Fly” by Alison McGhee and Illustrated by Taeeun Yoo. I had noticed the illust rations of Yoo in 2008’s “The Umbrella Queen” by Shirin Bridges and a ppreciated the sweet faces and restrained color palette. This Halloween sto ry written as a sestina (a very old form of poetry that originated with Fre nch troubadours in the 12th century) also has sweet faces and a restrained color palette but struck a chord in me unlike any other illustrated book th is year. The color palette for “Only a Witch can Fly” consists of black , white, sage, pumpkin and spice. Don’t these colors evoke nighttim e in fall and pumpkins to you? I’ve always appreciated block printing and Yoo uses linoleum block prints to perfection to express the simplicity and grace of the home but also the sophistication of the night. I loved this book.
I’m always excited to see a new Emily Gravett and “The Odd Egg” did n ot disappoint. Her books are consistently filled with vivid imagination an d little details that I’m amused by. The surprise ending of the “Odd E gg” delighted me and my preschoolers. But what I appreciated most were th e specially designed cut pages letting you feel the anticipation of the hat ching, the disappointment and eventual triumph of duck.
One of the most anticipated picture books for me this year is “Here Comes Jack Frost” by Kazuno Konara. It is still on order so I can’t give my opinion just yet but I do want to make note of it. I was blown away last ye ar by her picture book“Ghosts in the House” and can’t wait to get my hands on this new winter tale.
If I can find more time, I'll send some of my nf, jfic and ya favorites . Looking forward to hearing about all of your favorite books of 2009.
Kerry Gleason
Youth Services
Wilmington Institute Library
Wilmington DE
Windows 7: Unclutter your desktop. Learn more.
Received on Thu 10 Dec 2009 12:09:36 PM CST