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Re: Trend: multi-platform series

From: Maggi <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 00:49:49 -0500

I hear others' comments and mine echoes theirs: yes, the 39 Clues series is very popular with both reluctant readers and strong readers, and the gimmicks (cards, web site) are just a promotion to get kids to read the book, not anything meaningful on their own. Lego books are also making a strong showing with my early and fluent readers this year (1st-3rd graders).

-Maggi Idzikowski Media Specialist Allen Elementary School, Ann Arbor MI Blogging with my 3-year-old at

On Nov 20, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Kathleen T. Horning wrote:

Steward, Celeste wrote: The other trend that fascinates me lately is the move toward multi-platform series such as The 39 Clues, Lego, Transformers, etc. I'm curious as to how successful these are. My sense is that they were expected to be all the rage, but I haven't heard much post-pub buzz about them, other than that they exist. Do they elicit enthusiasm and excitement among young readers, in the way that, say, a traditional book like "Catching Fire," has in the past few months, or are they more of a gimmicky flash-n-the pan?
Received on Sat 21 Nov 2009 12:49:49 AM CST