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Fellowship Opportunity
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From: Ellen Ruffin <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 17:00:30 -0600
Please excuse cross postings:
H. A. and Margret Rey Fellowships
This fellowship program, established by the Rey Foundation and the de Grumm ond Children's Literature Collection at the University of Southern Mississi ppi, awards grants to afford the hiring of translators (i.e. German, Portug uese, French, Russian) for the purpose of translating the H. A. and Margret Rey documents into English to further facilitate use in research. Please email Curator Ellen Ruffin if you have questions about these fellowships. An application form is available online. I. PURPOSE The purpose of these fellowships is to translate Rey materials from their o riginal languages into English. II. ELIGIBILITY Grants totaling up to $1600 may be made to applicants who demonstrate exper ience in translating. III. CONDITIONS Recipients will be required to produce completed translations of papers fro m the H.A. and Margret Rey collection in the de Grummond Children's Liter ature Collection. IV. TO APPLY An application can be printed from this website or may be obtained from the address bel ow. Mail or e mail the completed application, postmarked by January 4, 2010 to:
Ellen Ruffin, Curator de Grummond Children's Literature Collection 118 College, #5148 Hattiesburg, MS 39406 601-266-4349
Received on Thu 19 Nov 2009 05:00:30 PM CST
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 17:00:30 -0600
Please excuse cross postings:
H. A. and Margret Rey Fellowships
This fellowship program, established by the Rey Foundation and the de Grumm ond Children's Literature Collection at the University of Southern Mississi ppi, awards grants to afford the hiring of translators (i.e. German, Portug uese, French, Russian) for the purpose of translating the H. A. and Margret Rey documents into English to further facilitate use in research. Please email Curator Ellen Ruffin if you have questions about these fellowships. An application form is available online. I. PURPOSE The purpose of these fellowships is to translate Rey materials from their o riginal languages into English. II. ELIGIBILITY Grants totaling up to $1600 may be made to applicants who demonstrate exper ience in translating. III. CONDITIONS Recipients will be required to produce completed translations of papers fro m the H.A. and Margret Rey collection in the de Grummond Children's Liter ature Collection. IV. TO APPLY An application can be printed from this website or may be obtained from the address bel ow. Mail or e mail the completed application, postmarked by January 4, 2010 to:
Ellen Ruffin, Curator de Grummond Children's Literature Collection 118 College, #5148 Hattiesburg, MS 39406 601-266-4349
Received on Thu 19 Nov 2009 05:00:30 PM CST