CCBC-Net Archives

List Protocol and Continued Patience

From: Megan Schliesman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 10:40:59 -0600

Dear CCBC-Net Members,

Carol Brendler's message about posts having some or all of the previous poster's message included (if the poster is replying to a prior message) is a good reminder of one of the protocol's we recently reminded everyone to please follow:

If you are replying to a previous post, please DO NOT include the entire post in your message. When you hit REPLY, begin by deleting the prior post if it shows up in the BODY of the message your are typing. It is fine to quote a portion of that post that you are specifically addressing yin our reply, but including the entire prior post each time just builds increasingly lengthy messages, leading to the nightmare in the Digest format that Carol has mentioned.

Carol's request about moving CCBC-Net to another site is one we cannot accommodate. While the CCBC has complete control of the content of CCBC-Net, our listserv technical administration is handled by another department at UW-Madison, and the changeover to the new software in September was a decision that was out of our control. (Essentially, we were moved over to the same software being used across campus.) We do not have the internal ability to handle the technical administration with different software internally.

Chris Dowling, who is our technical administrator for CCBC-Net in the UW-Madison's School of Education (it's just one very small part of his many responsibilities in the School of Education), has been working valiantly to deal with all of the unexpected changes that were thrust upon all of you, all of us, and him when CCBC-Net was migrated to the new software. No one asked for the change, but we have to deal with it, and with Chris's support, and the support of others in the School of Education and the university's Department of Information Technology, we are trying. We know it has been frustrating for all of you, and we will continue to do our best to work on changing things for the better, and controlling what we can.

One of the things Chris has been working on is access to the Archives (another big, unexpected problem that arose with the change), and I think--but can't say for certain--that Carol's request about "Threads" is something that can be accommodated in the archives. When Chris has a chance, I will ask him to write to me with more on how the Archives will work when they are up and running again (honestly, he explained it to me verbally, but I just can't remember it all), or post to the list directly.


-- Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706

Received on Thu 19 Nov 2009 10:40:59 AM CST