CCBC-Net Archives

Another search problem

From: Ruth I. Gordon <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 13:19:26 -0800

O.K.--here's old 2% correct (never on the right) with two more thunks (deep thoughts)

1) I check bibliographies (list of works consulted) to see the dates of the works. One nf writer with whom I have often found fault, has long bibliographies but the sources tend to be dated

2) Now we have WEB items. Here's the problem. There is no way to open and check these WEB sites for accuracy and lack of bias (as needed). To open and read each would be a chore beyond the time, effort, and remuneration for each book review. The other day there was an item in some newspaper or other that an advert had appeared in the Lowell H.S. (of San Francisco) school paper. The editors did not open the paid advert site. Someone did and found it to be a racist rant to have people join the organization*. It was places in h.s. papers all over the country and came from a university in Idaho.

It is not becoming easier to review.

Big Grandma

*I wonder if the cost of pointy hats, sheets &/or arm bands with swastikas were also included?
Received on Mon 16 Nov 2009 01:19:26 PM CST