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Re: Reviewing

From: Robin Gibson <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 10:35:42 -0500

I've really been enjoying all the discussion about reviewing, and I especially liked Dean's use of the word "painful" in writing a negative review or even just in regard to including something negative within a review. Positive reviews are so much easier for me to write than negative ones. Though not trying to please an author, I understand the care and time and effort an author has spent in crafting their work, and

I take the responsibility of reviewing very seriously. Composing thoughtful and critical comments take more attention and deliberation on

my part. These books receive the multiple re-readings others have talked

about (even though I might rather spend my time reading something else!)

It's a delight to review a wonderful book, one you really think deserves

a star, that just screams notable. You're excited to tell others about it! Yet critical reviews are very valuable. As a librarian I also took the responsibility of purchasing and managing a budget very seriously as

well, so critical reviews were essential to the selection process. That said, I don't recall ever not selecting a book on the basis of a single negative review (perhaps on the basis of a single positive one from a well-know author, recommended by a reviewer I trust, or on several of the Notable/Best Books type lists).

Robin Gibson Granville, Ohio

Dean Schneider wrote: On fact checking:

Several times over the years, I have caught errors--from copy editing to factual, minor and major--and been able to report them to my editor wh o then contacts the publisher, and there has been time for the publisher to make changes in the finished copy. Of course this only works if I have read the advanced reader copy well ahead of schedule (which I tend to do ), but it's a way for reviewers and writers to--pun intended--be on the s ame page in the name of a stronger book. What's distressing is when major problems are caught and there's NOT time to correct them, until subseque nt editions. Lots of reviewers have that internal voice while reading a r eally good book and cheering it on, hoping it finishes as well as it has started. Reviewers love to celebrate the well-crafted books, but it's pai nful though necessary to comment on major problems with a book, where the story doesn't work as well as it might have. A good reviewer doesn't inc lude negative analyses lightheartedly, though I know there are reviewe rs out there who too often write with venomous pens (or cantankerous keyboar ds?).

Dean Schneider Ensworth school Nashville, Tennessee
Received on Mon 16 Nov 2009 10:35:42 AM CST