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RE: Reviewing

From: Olgy Gary <>
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 11:34:41 -0500

The most surprising information to the graduate students that I teach is that most of the time I read a book three times. (picture books more) The first is just to read, I keep post- it notes handy to mark passages that I love or questions that Oh my goodness, Lisa! And here I thought I was the only one following this ritual! LOL I've been berating myself regarding the most recent books I received from Putnam (BLACKBRINGER and its sequel SILKSINGER). I've read both titles 2x and am about to go thru them again prior to writing a review. Funny thing is that I only find myself doing this when I absolutely LOVE a book! (And these Laini Taylor's DREAMDARK series fits into this category for me).

Then I write- I need at least three days- Write- let it sit. Revise- let it sit- revise. This is when I start reading the book again. As I am fact-checking my words. Did I capture the book? The author's intent? I would have denied that I read the book for the third time but this seems to be a compulsive quirk on my part. With your full time job going, how many reviews do you get to write at this pace and with this ritual? That's the only regret I have about the way we presently review books at the CCF site...the fact that for every title we get to review there is a pile in our office of probably just as excellent titles waiting their turn in line.


Olgy Gary, M.A. in Education Author, Editor, Instructional Designer - Free CCF bulletin
Received on Sat 14 Nov 2009 11:34:41 AM CST