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Re: Effie Lee Morris

From: N. R. Caldwell <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 20:44:08 -0500

Greetings Everyone:

I had the privilege of meeting and listening to Effie Lee Morris during th e ALA First Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC). It was on the occasion of the opening ceremony where I was asked to speak on behalf of the scholarship award winners. The memory is clear as if it were yesterda y, we were all gathered together in the Dallas Public LIbrary after the ri bbon cutting etc. Ms. Morris, a woman small in statue, had a commanding pr esence that resonated through out the reception area. People were buzzing all around her. Naturally curious, I asked a friend, Who is she?" Well, although I had known her name from the ALA history of children's services ,and yet, I did not have a cue as to what she looked like. My friend intro duced us. I listened with "rabbit ears" to her stories recounting how she had worked to create children's services in a time long before the popula rity of Larrick's article entitled the "All White World of Children's Lite rature." I was captivated by her retelling and the boldness
 only true elde rs can pull off. If her voice were not enough what caught my eye was the most exquisite owl jewelry I had ever seen. On that day when I crossed pa ths with Ms. Effie Lee Morris she forever became fixed in my memory as th e "Owl" Lady with all due respect -- one who took the responsibility to pr ovide children with the best with seriousness. In the battle over the mind s of children Ms. Effie Lee Morris would be one on whose side I would want to be. She appeared to be someone not given to compromise when it came to high quality materials and services for children. May her journey contin ue to be one lit by the sparkle of her vision for what children's literatu re could be and should be -- excellence. I treasure her life and am inspi red by her light.

In peace,

Naomi Rachel Caldwell, (Ramapough/Lenape) Ph.D.,

Associate Professor Graduate School of Library and Information Studies The University of Rhode Island 11 Rodman Hall Kingston, RI 02881-0815

(401)874-2278 office (401)874-4964 fax email:

The Best is here and now and yet to come.

The triumph of the teacher is always in bringing his student to his own un derstanding, and even more than that, endeavoring to inspire within the st udent the possibility of going beyond himself in his search of knowledge and truth. J.G.Lake

All things are possible only believe. Mark 9:23


From: Rose Stuart To: Mason, John (NY) Cc: Arnold Adoff ; henrietta johns ; Sent: Tue, Nov 10, 2009 7:47 pm Subject: Re:
 Effie Lee Morris

The ALSC board has passed a resolution honoring her: I've attached the doc ument. If I understand correctly, they were going to have the ALA executiv e board consider it as well.


-- Rose M. Stuart Youth Services Librarian East Greenbush Community Library 10 Community Way East Greenbush, NY 12061 Ph. 518-477-7476 Fax 518-477-6692

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Mason, John (NY) wrote:

How very sad. I loved Effie. She was was so gracious, always so kind to me, and she was a great spirit in children's books and issues of human ri ghts. I hope there will be a fitting memorial for her (perhaps at ALA Mid winter).

John Mason

Director of Library and Educational Marketing, Trade Books

Scholastic, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012-3999

Phone: (212) 389-3770 Fax: (212) 389-3063


2009 USBBY President

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From: Arnold Adoff
 Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 6:54 PM To: henrietta johns;

Subject: RE:
 Effie Lee Morris

dear henrietta and all: i am so sad and always angry....she was indeed a pioneer and one of our early supporters when we began to publish...zeely first in 1967..... she was a strong woman who would recognize no or otherwi se....

and she had that regal quality: cool and thoughtful and organized with a world view for african americans...and for all humane humans....

t h e s t r u g g l e c o n t i n u e s

Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 18:44:36 -0500 From: Subject: RE:
 Effie Lee Morris To:

Hello everyone,

For those of you who may havae known her, a library pioneer indeed, Effie Morris children's librarian, organizer of San Francisco Chidlren's litera ture Conference, etc., passed away a day or two ago. I know nothing ab out arrangements, but just want to share the sad news.

Henrietta ---
Received on Tue 10 Nov 2009 08:44:08 PM CST